Delightfully Easy

Delightfully Easy

It’s almost time to pick the kids up from school and you just realized you haven’t taken anything out of the freezer for dinner. One child has soccer at 4:30pm and the other, Girl Guides at 6:30pm. You open the freezer and to your delight, you find a bag of Thyme To Enjoy Tuscan Chicken. Phew! You run to the pantry and score number two, penne noodles, the kids’ favorite. Now all you have to do is heat up the sauce, boil the noodles and bam, a healthy homemade dinner. Damn, that was easy!

Your husband just called to tell you he’s invited his parents for dinner… TONIGHT! Ugh, how on earth are you ever going to get the house cleaned and make a homemade dinner worthy of their approval in just 3 hours. Then it hits you, you have a Thyme to Enjoy Lasagna in your freezer! You quickly pull it out and read the instructions on how to cook it from frozen. You call your husband back and ask him to pick up a Caesar salad kit and a loaf of garlic bread on his way home from work. Damn, that was easy!

It’s Saturday night games night and you’re heading into your fourth hour of Monopoly. At this point, it’s just best that your friends spend the night. You know your not going to be feeling up to cooking in the morning but what are you going to do about breakfast. You’re shocked that in your current state of mind, you remember you have Thyme to Enjoy Cinnamon Buns in the freezer. You pull them out and place them in the oven, with the light on, just like the instructions say. They will be thawed and perfectly risen by the time you wake up. Mmm, that cream cheese icing will be delightfully gooey. Damn, that was easy!